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Change log entry 75230
Processed by: richwarm (2022-07-15 23:10:30 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 71112 >>

breast milk 使用率是 mother's milk 的四倍


- 对儿童和成年人而言,米浆、豆奶、燕麦牛奶和杏仁奶有时也用作母乳代用品。
- 在古代,奶粉或其他母乳代用品未发明或未普及时,婴儿的生母如不能或不愿意哺育其子女,往往会雇用乳母。
# - 母乳 母乳 [mu3 ru3] /mother's milk/
# + 母乳 母乳 [mu3 ru3] /breast milk/mother's milk/
# Editor:
- 母乳 母乳 [mu3 ru3] /mother's milk/
+ 母乳 母乳 [mu3 ru3] /breast milk/
- 母乳代 母乳代 [mu3 ru3 dai4] /substitute for mother's milk/milk powder/
+ 母乳代用品 母乳代用品 [mu3 ru3 dai4 yong4 pin3] /breast milk substitute/
- 奶水 奶水 [nai3 shui3] /mother's milk/
+ 奶水 奶水 [nai3 shui3] /breast milk/
- 乳臭未乾 乳臭未干 [ru3 xiu4 wei4 gan1] /smell of mother's milk not yet dried (idiom); immature and inexperienced/still wet behind the ears/
+ 乳臭未乾 乳臭未干 [ru3 xiu4 wei4 gan1] /lit. smell of breast milk not yet dried (idiom)/fig. immature and inexperienced; still wet behind the ears/
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