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Change log entry 75038
Processed by: richwarm (2022-06-16 07:40:51 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 70988 - submitted by 'sykul' >>

The ROC government moved to Taipei in 1949, and the nation was blessed to endure. The results of its history in Taiwan can be seen in microcosm in the space of the city.

According to Tsai Mei-fen, chief curator in the NPM’s Department of Antiquities, these two works were ceremonial objects in use at the Qing court beginning with the rule of Yong­zheng (reigned 1723–45). They were used during the ceremony in which the emperor would write some lines to mark the Lunar New Year. A son or grandson of the emperor would hold them, conveying the idea of an orderly succession and national permanence.

At the beginning of the first millennium in the Western calendar, China was in the midst of the 400-year-long Han dynasty (206 BC to 220 AD), while in the West Rome was making the transition from a republic to an empire that would last until 476 AD. Coincidentally, the two empires had roughly the same population, about 50 million people.
# 國祚 国祚 [guo2 zuo4] /Reign/Duration of reign/Fate of a country or dynasty/
+ 國祚 国祚 [guo2 zuo4] /the period over which a dynasty or nation endures/
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