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Change log entry 74972
Processed by: richwarm (2022-06-06 23:13:20 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 70033 - submitted by 'goldyn_chyld' >>
similar to 喆 喆?

The first batch of variant simplifications said 乃[迺], but the 2013 list of standard simp char's says: 可用于姓氏人名、地名。

a) 迺 is a simp char, and
b) it's used as a surname as well as in given names and place names.


Editor: To respond to your question "How is it different from 喆 or 仝?"
My answer is: 迺 is used in transliterating a non-Chinese name (namely, Kennedy), unlike 喆 and 仝 (as far as I know, anyway).

But it's too minor a point to spend further time on. I'm processing your sub as submitted.
- 甘迺迪 甘乃迪 [Gan1 nai3 di2] /Kennedy (name) (Tw)/
+ 甘迺迪 甘迺迪 [Gan1 nai3 di2] /Kennedy (name) (Tw)/
- 迺 乃 [nai3] /variant of 乃[nai3]/
+ 迺 迺 [nai3] /variant of 乃[nai3] (used as a surname, in given names or in place names)/
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