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Change log entry 74899
Processed by: richwarm (2022-05-23 23:42:58 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 70722 - submitted by 'tubbums32' >>
New word not in the system; obtained via Youtube CC

"I heard a strange sound from near the elevator, a thud-thud noise," the neighbor said. "My daughter said the lift had broken down, and because it often did that, I didn't pay attention."

如果您发现任何异响、震动或异味时,一定要马上检查其原因或到 INFINITI 英菲尼迪经销店进行检查。
If you detect any unusual sounds, vibrations or smells, be sure to check for the cause or have an INFINITI dealer do it promptly.

- 只要时间足够长什么车都一定会异响的,
- 有没有不异响的手机支架?
- 再次启动开车就会异响,
- 既然题目叫洗车后为什么刹车会异响,
# 異響 异响 [yi4 xiang3] /Abnormal sounds (i.e. squeaks, creaks from a product)/
+ 異響 异响 [yi4 xiang3] /unusual sound; strange noise/to make a strange sound/
By MDBG 2024
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