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Change log entry 73868
Processed by: richwarm (2021-12-15 23:55:15 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 69570 - submitted by 'cboss2' >>
注音 does not seem to be specific to only Chinese language (could be used to describe similar phonetic notation systems in Japanese)

Additionally, it seems to be almost exclusively used as an abbreviation of Bopomofo/注音符號
"注音" site:.cn - 981,000 (many of these results are also using it as an abbr. of Bopomofo)
"注音" site:.tw - 16,200,000

1) > "could be used to describe similar phonetic notation systems in Japanese"
The Japanese phonetic notation system (furigana) is mainly used for indicating the pronunciation of Chinese characters (kanji), which is consistent with our current definition.

2) > "注音 does not seem to be specific to only Chinese language"
True, but it's mostly for Chinese, I think, and anyone who comes across 注音 used in a slightly different context is unlikely to be confounded.

3) > "[注音] seems to be almost exclusively used as an abbreviation of Bopomofo/注音符號"
I'm not sure what your point is, but anyway,
a) 注音 is not an abbreviation for 注音符號 in the term 注音符號 itself, and 注音符號 is hardly a rare term.
b) 注音 is not an abbreviation for Bopomofo.

4) What is the point of the Google results figures?
# - 注音 注音 [zhu4 yin1] /to indicate the pronunciation of Chinese characters using Pinyin or Bopomofo etc/phonetic notation/(specifically) Bopomofo (abbr. for 注音符號|注音符号[zhu4 yin1 fu2 hao4])/
# + 注音 注音 [zhu4 yin1] /to indicate pronunciation with phonetic symbols/phonetic notation/abbr. for Bopomofo or 注音符號|注音符号[zhu4 yin1 fu2 hao4]/
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