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Change log entry 73850
Processed by: richwarm (2021-12-12 21:24:53 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 69563 - submitted by 'cboss2' >>
+ Capitalization of place name (Annan District)
- 安南 安南 [An1 nan2] /Annam (Tang Dynasty protectorate located in what is now northern Vietnam)/Annam (autonomous kingdom located in what is now northern Vietnam, 10th-15th century)/Annam (central part of Vietnam during the French colonial period)/old name for Vietnam/Annan district of Tainan City 臺南市|台南市[Tai2 nan2 shi4], Taiwan/Kofi Annan (1938-2018), UN secretary-general 1997-2006/
+ 安南 安南 [An1 nan2] /Annam (Tang Dynasty protectorate located in what is now northern Vietnam)/Annam (autonomous kingdom located in what is now northern Vietnam, 10th-15th century)/Annam (central part of Vietnam during the French colonial period)/old name for Vietnam/Annan District in Tainan 臺南|台南[Tai2 nan2], Taiwan/Kofi Annan (1938-2018), UN secretary-general 1997-2006/
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