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Change log entry 73678
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2021-10-25 08:19:21 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 69398 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
The current definition implies that the advocated behavior is wrong or evil.

"instigate: incite someone to do something, especially something bad." [Oxford]

But with 怂恿, the advocated behavior can be something quite harmless.
Hey, are you guys going to this year's show? Last year's was so awesome! I still can't believe we won. Heidi and I only entered because Mr Mallory [the music teacher] asked us to.

他從行動書店的概念開始實踐,在一班書店朋 友的慫恿下,張正建立了自己的「基地」─燦爛 時光:東南亞主題書店。
Chang decided to launch a bookmobile service. Later, however, friends running a regular bookstore persuaded him to open his own bookstore. He named his establishment Brilliant Time: Southeast-Asia-themed Bookstore.

Zhang Xue-neng, a former director of Xin-she's agricultural tourism industry development association, says that Xin-she's early hostel owners, who set up a decade ago, were retirees. Zhang himself is a case in point. A former architect, he fell in love with Xin-she's climate and quiet, and built a meticulously designed and constructed vacation home there when he retired. Later, at the urging of friends, he turned it into a hostel. Zhang now runs his hostel on a non-profit basis, utilizing at-cost pricing to gain a unique competitive advantage.
- 慫恿 怂恿 [song3 yong3] /to instigate/to incite/to egg sb on/
+ 慫恿 怂恿 [song3 yong3] /to instigate/to incite/to urge/to encourage/
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