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Change log entry 73663
Processed by: richwarm (2021-10-20 07:26:41 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 69245 - submitted by 'aaronwong' >>
If you say 'How do you mean?' to someone, you are asking them to explain or give more details of what they have just said. [British, informal]
'The fuel gauge is broken.'—'Broken? How do you mean?'
from Collins COBUILD

Editor: Generally, we don't need information on what the English definition means.
Instead, please give some examples of usage of the *Chinese* term.

"The Lalu Hotel takes in as much revenue with one guest as other five-star hotels do with three." How is this?

These controversies make one worry that with such strong pressure from retailers the average small-scale publisher could only give in to demands or go out of business. But experienced publisher Chen Ying-chin thinks otherwise. He boldly asserts, "Eslite is sounding the call for reform among Taiwan's publishers." How could that be?

此话怎讲? please explain what you mean
Rajesh: Excuse me, but I think you're missing a big opportunity here.
Sheldon: How so?
Rajesh: Everybody knows genetic diversity produces the strongest offspring.(The Big Bang Theory)
# 此話怎講? 此话怎讲? [ci3 hua4 zen3 jiang3] /How do you mean?/
+ 此話怎講 此话怎讲 [ci3 hua4 zen3 jiang3] /How do you mean?/How could that be the case?/How so?/
By MDBG 2024
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