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Change log entry 73589
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2021-10-10 06:59:00 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 69337 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>

HandDeDict ~ Einmal-Handwärmer, which translates as "disposable handwarmer; single-use hand warmer" according to DeepL.

"Hand warmers are small (mostly disposable) packets which are held in the hand and produce heat on demand to warm cold hands."

The therapeutic economy provides "hand warmers" during an economic ice age that allow people to temporarily put their troubles aside.

「這也」張凱文以OUTER SPACE為女孩設計的一款名為「袋鼠」的T恤為例指出,這件衣服在腹部裡層設計了小袋子,隨衣服再附贈一個暖暖包,體貼女生生理期間不適的巧思和貼心,叫人很感動。
As an example, Kevin Chang of Jay points out a line of women's T-shirts from the brand Outer Space called "kangaroos"; every design boasts a small pocket on the abdominal area. These offer a little pouch for the wearer to use to warm them up and help with menstrual discomfort.

Back in the era before gas, charcoal was a necessity. The image of an old grandmother huddled over a portable charcoal stove is already a thing of the distant past—but it was something akin to seeing young people clutching disposable heating pads to keep warm today.

"暖暖包" site:.cn - 15k
"暖暖包" site:.tw - 725k
+ 暖暖包 暖暖包 [nuan3 nuan3 bao1] /disposable hand warmer (Tw)/
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