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Change log entry 73349
Processed by: richwarm (2021-08-01 01:57:06 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 69067 - submitted by 'deathstar459' >>
see 走為上|走为上[zou3 wei2 shang4]

Editor: "take as a priority" is wrong because
1) It suggests that 為上 relates to *tasks* (the ones that merit one's attention the most), whereas it actually relates to anything that can be rated – for example, birds used for their meat:
"the green-headed ones (mallards) are the best to eat; the pointed-tailed ones (pintails) are second best."

2) The grammatical subject of "take as a priority" is a person, whereas the subject of 為上 is the thing that is rated most highly.
The phrase "take as a priority" is more like 以...為上 rather than just 為上.
(person) 以 (thing) 為上 = "(person) values (thing) above all else"
(thing) 為上 = "(thing) is valued above all else."

"Ink painting is the highest form of painting."

Song-dynasty artisans strove after a simplicity based on "incorporating all that is sublime, but not making a flashy show."

"it reminds us that concern for the patient is what medicine is all about"
# + 為上 为上 [wei2 shang4] /to take as priority/
# + 安全為上 安全为上 [an1 quan2 wei2 shang4] /prioritize safety/safety first (see also 安全第一[an1 quan2 di4 yi1])/
# + 安全第一 安全第一 [an1 quan2 di4 yi1] /safety first/
+ 為上 为上 [wei2 shang4] /to be valued above all else/
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