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Change log entry 73331
Processed by: richwarm (2021-07-28 11:58:15 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 68968 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
I'm not sure of some parts of the definition.
HDC has 6 senses for 賓客, for example.
If we can jointly figure out all parts, fine.
Otherwise, maybe it's best to delete the whole entry.

K basically copied our definition, including the erroneous "SevenUp (fizzy drink)" that was originally in our definition.
(The drink is 七喜, not 七事.)
- 七事 七事 [qi1 shi4] /the Seven Duties of a sovereign, namely: offering sacrifice 祭祀, giving audience 朝覲|朝觐, administering jointly 會同|会同, receiving guests 賓客|宾客, running army 軍旅|军旅, attending to farm work 田役, mourning ceremonial 喪荒|丧荒/
# + 七事 七事 [qi1 shi4] /(archaic) the seven duties of a sovereign: offering sacrifices 祭祀[ji4 si4], giving audience 朝覲|朝觐[chao2 jin4], convening meetings of local rulers 會同|会同[hui4 tong2], receiving guests?? 賓客|宾客[bin1 ke4], military affairs 軍旅|军旅[jun1 lu:3], ??? 田役, funerals and famines 喪荒|丧荒[sang1 huang1]/
+ 七事 七事 [qi1 shi4] /(archaic) the seven duties of a sovereign/
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