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Change log entry 73163
Processed by: richwarm (2021-06-30 00:22:03 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 68866 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
n. waistline; girth

NOUN waistline; waist; waist measurement; girth
| 她的腰身很细。
| She has a slender waist.
| 这条裤子腰身太大。
| These trousers are too big in the waist.

1. 腰部。
| ~不灵
| ~太细。
2. 指长大衣、裤子等腰围部分的尺寸。
| 大~的裤子。

1. 人體腰圍或衣服中段橫幅的尺寸。如:「前一陣子流行窄腰身的外套。」
2. 腰肢。
| 南朝宋.鮑照〈學古〉詩:「嬛綿好眉目,閑麗美腰身。」

1 名 腰部
| 舒展一下腰身。
2 名 人体腰部的粗细; 也借指身段、体态
| 窈窕的腰身。
3 名 指上衣、裤子等腰围部分的尺寸
| 这件衣服腰身太小了。

He noticed how much softer her waist seemed to feel now that the sash was gone.
[Orwell, 1984]

柔嘉虽然比不上法国剧人贝恩哈脱(Sarah Bernhardt),腰身纤细得一粒奎宁丸吞到肚子里就像怀孕,但瘦削是不能否认的。
Though Jou-chia could not compare with Sarah Bernhardt, the French actress, who was so slim-waisted that swallowing one quinine pill would have made her look pregnant, she was undeniably slim.

Shawnyi's "Alpine Green" line, featuring gray-green colors and broad decorative motifs at the waist inspired by Taiwanese Aboriginal culture

The traditional method of cultivating strawberries was just to plant them in the soil, but then picking required a lot of bending, and was bad for the back. But 20 years ago a new system for raising strawberries was invented in Japan, using tubular-frame racks that come up to waist level or higher.
+ 腰身 腰身 [yao1 shen1] /waist/waistline/
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