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Change log entry 73152
Processed by: richwarm (2021-06-29 06:36:44 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 68818 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
* I haven't seen any modern example where 轻言 by itself means "speak lightly" but MoE has classical examples and that's the literal reading of the characters. Maybe it's an (old) sense, but LAC doesn't say so, and I'm not entirely sure.

v. speak lightly; speak without thinking

1. 轻率地说;说话不慎重。
| ~放弃
| 薄唇~
| ~寡信
| 子路~,夫子哂(笑)之。
2. 轻易、随意谈论。
| 不要~他人是非。

| 北齊.顏之推《顏氏家訓.序致》:「頗為凡人之所陶染,肆欲輕言,不脩邊幅。」
| 《幼學瓊林.卷三.人事類》:「戒輕言,曰恐屬垣有耳。」

Last year, although China's national economy made a favorable turn, it was still not stable enough. Under such circumstance, the pro-active fiscal policy should not be slackened.

They are patient and don't give up easily, but they can be too cautious at times.

女王陛下通过她自己的责任感和坚持不懈的公共 服务,向我们这些身在联合国的人表明,我们决不能 放弃我们奋斗的目标,我们必须坚定意志和决心,穷 人和弱者的前景不容我们轻言失败。
Through Her Majesty’s sense of duty and tireless public service, she has demonstrated to those of us at the United Nations that we must not waver from our purpose and that we must remain steadfast in our will and determination because the poor, the disadvantaged and the weak do not have the luxury of our failure.

Evidently, older breadwinners have been bettter able to hold onto their jobs, and are less likely to quit the jobs they have.

The letter said that even though England may have fallen on hard times, holding a British passport means you'll have the protection of twelve countries after 1992, and you shouldn't pass the chance up lightly.

A further issue of concern for the people of Taiwan is the push to recall the president and vice-president, sparked by the controversy surrounding the Fourth Nuclear Power Plant. Can our democratically elected leaders really be removed from office that lightly?

Once the company's vision is defined, one shouldn't change it lightly. The business model on the other hand can be constantly adapted in accordance with circumstances.

Expressing her firm belief in law as a force for good, Arbour stated that humans seek justice and accountability, and must not give in to despair.
# 輕言 轻言 [qing1 yan2] /easily/lightly/to speak lightly/to speak withgout thinking/
+ 輕言 轻言 [qing1 yan2] /to say without careful consideration/
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