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Change log entry 73090
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2021-06-22 09:21:49 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 68803 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
n. watchtower; observation tower

* 了望塔 seems far less common (464,000 vs. 1,800,000 Google hits)

Petřín Lookout Tower


高二十公尺的盐瓶 (Saltkaret) 瞭望塔,位 于斯维德约哈门自然路径的终点;被称为"高海岸"的瑞典世界自然遗产,只不过在那儿五十公里之外。
The 20-metre Saltkaret (salt shaker) watchtower marks one end of the nature trail at Svedjehamn.

豪森宫殿由谢赫·迪亚布·本·伊萨 (Shaykh Dhiyab bin Isa) 建造于 1761 年左右,它最初是一座瞭望塔,后 来由伊萨的儿子谢赫·谢赫布特·本·迪亚布 (Shaykh Shakhbut bin Dhiyab) 在 1793 年左右扩建成一座小型堡垒,从此成为阿布扎比统治者的永久住所。
Originally built as a watchtower in about 1761 by Shaykh Dhiyab bin Isa, it was expanded into a small fort in about 1793
by his son, Shaykh Shakhbut bin Dhiyab, and at that time was made the permanent residence of the ruler of Abu Dhabi.

It was from these watchtowers that smoke signals could be sent as a way of communicating with the Forbidden City.

Then the group split up. Three, wearing civilian clothes and pretending to be workers, raided the guard tower to steal weapons and a truck.

In addition to the Pavilion and the Greenhouse, the exhibition will include a 13 story-tall observation tower.

在院所設計方面,所有高度設防院所均設有高圍牆及 瞭望塔,並 由閉路電視系統監察整間院所的主要範圍,例如工 場、飯堂、主要通道、禁區等。
In respect of institution design, all the maximum security institutions are built with high perimeter walls and observation towers, and installed with closed-circuit television systems to monitor the main areas of the institutions such as workshops, dining halls, main passages, sterile areas and so on.


A judge on an inspection visit to a Brazilian jail discovered a straw scarecrow dressed in police uniform on the watchtower "guarding" some 735 jailbirds, police said.

Rising along the ridgeline we came upon a watchtower, in pretty bad shape.

The watchtower followed the aircraft by radar.

It was like a stone castle, its high towers watched by guards with guns.
+ 瞭望塔 瞭望塔 [liao4 wang4 ta3] /watchtower/observation tower/
+ 了望塔 了望塔 [liao4 wang4 ta3] /variant of 瞭望塔[liao4 wang4 ta3]/
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