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Change log entry 72960
Processed by: richwarm (2021-06-11 00:59:26 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 68721 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
Cf. 慌张

* Reduplication of 慌张 with no difference in meaning and generally not registered in dictionaries (MoE being the exception).
* Even if left in the dictionary for some reason, it shouldn't have a different definition.

Editor: New Century also has an entry for both 慌張 and 慌慌張張.

I don't see that as a problem necessarily. Having 慌慌張張 indicates that reduplication of 慌張 is relatively common. Not that I'd go out of my way to include reduplicated forms, but if they're there already, they serve this purpose, and there are more important issues to deal with.

I would focus more on whether the definitions are good, rather than whether both headwords should be retained and whether the definitions are identical.

Like ours, MoE's two definitions are different:
慌張 : 因慌忙而張惶失措。
慌慌張張 : 形容慌忙而緊張。

Having two definitions is not necessarily a bad thing. The two definitions can potentially complement each other. That's one way Pleco is useful -- when you look up a word, you get multiple definitions from different dictionaries alongside each other, and sometimes you can get an improved understanding by triangulating the meaning.

Our definition of 慌張 begins with "confused". I don't think "helter-skelter" (in disorderly haste) is any more wrong than "confused" (unable to think with clarity). Both words have only partial overlap with the meaning of 慌張.

I think the first step would be to improve the definition of 慌張. Maybe consider using words like "jittery", "agitated", "unnerved", "ruffled" or "panicky", and dispense with "confused". Only then would I look at dealing with 慌慌張張 (either delete it or define it as "see 慌張").

I don't think it's helpful to start the definition of 慌張 with "confused" for any of the following contexts (although "helter-skelter" is not too bad for the 3rd one).
- 阿兵開始大出血的時候,我看見他雙眸中有驚慌的神色,也看見醫護人員及家屬的慌張與忙亂。
- 如果孩子答錯次數太多,別慌張,先將練習的狀況告知學校輔導老師,再尋求專業意見。
- 一直很希望,台灣有個地方像希臘,貓,可以自在隨意的生活;遇見人,不用像驚弓之鳥地慌張躲藏。

Maybe you'd like to do your thing with the definition of 慌張?
# - 慌慌張張 慌慌张张 [huang1 huang1 zhang1 zhang1] /helter-skelter/
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