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Change log entry 72848
Processed by: richwarm (2021-06-01 05:32:16 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 68581 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
f[ixed].e[expression]. unable even to fend for oneself
| 我如今自顾不暇, 帮不了你。
| I can't help you for I'm unable even to fend for myself now.

IDIOM unable even to fend for oneself (much less look after others); busy with one's own affairs

| ~,无力顾及别人。

| 明.無名氏《運甓記.第五齣》:「主勢孤危,自顧不暇,縱爾問鼎稱雄,誰敢興師鞠旅。」
| 《精忠岳傳.第六回》:「倘然強盜凶狠,我們自顧不暇,那裡還照應得你等。」


Eritrea is the neighbour we least expected to undertake yet another reckless venture in our region, given that its hands are already full.

During the ten yeas of the disastrous Cultural Revolution I was not in the mood to, nor was I fit enough to bother about my books, as I was not sure where I myself would end up.

只因为本国太破烂, 内忧外患, 非常之多, 自顾不暇了, 所以只能将台湾这些事情暂且放下。

Editor: Lots of dictionaries use the word "fend" in their definitions.
"fend for oneself" means "live independently, without help from others".
But 自顧不暇 is about being unable to spare any time, rather than being unable to live independently.

Lin says that since every firm was only looking out for itself, it was very helpful that the IDB, which manages industrial policy, stepped in.

MTI has always been a very loyal subcontracting company, producing each product only for single buyer. But recently the company has begun to seriously consider the limits to growth imposed by this role, especially now in economic hard times when the big companies are looking after themselves.

台灣俗諺:日頭赤炎炎 隨人顧性命
jit8 thau5 chiat iann7 iann7 sui5 lang5 koo3 senn3 mia7
Taiwanese saying: Under a blazing red sun, everyone looks to his own survival.
Meaning: Too busy looking after yourself to think of others.
Source: A Practical Mandarin-Taiwanese Phrase Book,

"In these days when the world's technologically advanced countries can't even help themselves, Taiwan can no longer expect to have orders come pouring in by sticking to its old, low-risk approach of manufacturing products that have already proven their viability in the marketplace."

But in recent years problems have emerged with the position of the farmers' associations themselves. Some associations don't have enough time to handle their own problems, much less aid farmers in their struggle against foreign competition.

Wu Tsan-cheng's brothers are all busy with their own affairs and his mother, now 70 years old, lives alone in Chiayi.

"Prior to joining the painting society, I thought of art as something remote, something that those of us who can't even provide food and shelter for ourselves could never play at,"

And the remaining old folks were too busy tending their farmland to have any energy to beautify the environment,

AIDS only makes the situation worse, as children with the disease are so overwhelmed by their health problems that they have little energy left to pursue an education.
# 自顧不暇 自顾不暇 [zi4 gu4 bu4 xia2] /to be unable to even fend for oneself/
+ 自顧不暇 自顾不暇 [zi4 gu4 bu4 xia2] /(idiom) to have one's hands full managing one's own affairs/too busy to spare time for anything extra/
By MDBG 2024
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