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Change log entry 72830
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2021-05-30 13:06:43 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 68604 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
1. /(of ownership, custody etc) to be transferred to/
GR ~ revenir à; retourner à
[GT ~ come back to; return to]

He deplored the injustices of the laws automatically transferring a married woman's property to her husband.

Pursuant to the Criminal Code, ownership of the asset or confiscated right passes, on a forfeiture or confiscation order, to the State when the decision takes final effect.

In the context of the political changes, they were simply transferred to the relevant new ministries, thus remaining under the control of the State.

Article 29 of the Act on combating terrorism provides for the liquidation of an organization recognized as terrorist, the confiscation of its assets and the conversion of such assets to State property.

Should the weapon not be surrendered within that period, the weapon shall be considered to have become the property of the State, and ownership of such weapons will be transferred to the Royal Oman Police.

Under the Colombian court order of May 1982, the custody of the children was granted provisionally to the father, with the proviso that custody would go to the mother if the father remarried or cohabited with another woman.

2. /(medicine) clinical outcome/



类风湿关节炎(rheumatoid arthritis, RA)的病程多种多样[1]。15%-20%的患者为呈周期性加重的间歇性疾病,预后相对较好。然而,大多数患者的病情呈进展性,病程或急或缓。RA的转归取决于关节损害程度、患者身体机能状态、心理健康情况及有无共存疾病(如心血管疾病、感染、B细胞淋巴瘤)。

Early primary biliary cirrhosis: biochemical response to treatment and prediction of long-term outcome.

3. /to reclassify (e.g. from asymptomatic carrier to confirmed case)/
- 例境外输入新冠肺炎确诊病例(由无症状感染者转归),
- 山东新增本地确诊病例6例(均由无症状感染者转归)。
+ 轉歸 转归 [zhuan3 gui1] /(of ownership, custody etc) to be transferred to/to revert to/(medicine) clinical outcome/to reclassify (e.g. from asymptomatic carrier to confirmed case)/
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