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Change log entry 72825
Processed by: richwarm (2021-05-30 03:42:20 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 68583 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
Cf. 生态环境游, in the dictionary

This really is 生态+环境 but since it appears in most Chinese dictionaries and is a specific concept, I think it might be considered useful. Submitting to your consideration, I'm not sure I would add it myself.

n. ecosystem; environment

ecological environment



"The drought has done considerable damage to the ecological environment of Honghu Lake," he said

Article 19. Measures must be taken to protect the ecological environment while natural resources are being developed or utilized.

Chile will soon face a conflict between promoting economic growth and protecting the environment.

He did applaud efforts by some Chinese companies to build platforms, or 'ecosystems,' in the 'cloud,' like Alibaba and Tencent.

The comprehensive realignment of Tarim and Heihe rivers has saved the ecological environment on their lower reaches that was on the brink of collapse.

Editor: The top 10 Google results for "ecological environment" include several China-related links. When I see China-related results high up in the results for an English term apparently lacking any specific relationship to China, I get suspicious.

I would say the term "ecological environment", while not incorrect, has an unidiomatic, Chinglish flavour. It appears in dictionary definitions of 生态环境, sure, but it's a very literal, rather than natural, translation of 生态环境. There are 74 instances of 生態環境 in TP (several quoted below), but "ecological environment" only appears 4 times in the English translations of those sentences.

The problem arises because in both Chinese and English, the word (环境 / "environment") is a broad term, used in expressions like 投資環境 (investment environment), for example. So in order to narrow the context, it's sometimes necessary to use longer terms like 生態環境 or 自然環境 rather than just 環境. But in English, typical disambiguated terms corresponding to 生態環境 are "its ecology" or "the natural environment" etc., ... But as for "ecological environment"? Not so much.

it would represent a waste and damage to the ecology.

The most tangible test of organic farming is the condition of the natural environment.

to balance productivity with environmental awareness;

We also have to look seriously at environmental protection. We cannot sacrifice social equality and our environment for the sake of attracting investment.

Apart from disrupting the river ecologies,
# 生態環境 生态环境 [sheng1 tai4 huan2 jing4] /ecological environment/
+ 生態環境 生态环境 [sheng1 tai4 huan2 jing4] /ecosystem/natural environment/
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