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Change log entry 72811
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2021-05-28 07:24:33 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 68598 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
Some people in the US talk about "facts", when what is really on their mind is political manipulation. Every time when the issue of pandemic is brought up, they smear and attack China, while totally ignoring the doubts over the origin-tracing work and failure of pandemic response in the US. They are obsessed with spreading "lab leak theory" and other conspiracy theories and disinformation. What they did is total disrespectful of the spirit of science and research results of the WHO expert team, and undermines global anti-epidemic efforts and solidarity.
[Zhao Lijian has been accusing US, Taiwan, Australia, and friends regularly of 政治操弄 political manipulation for some time now, this is just one example.]

Honourable Members, $150 million is quite a sum. However, this brings to light how the Government favours the capitalists and large consortia, and causes sufferings to workers. Hence, I have come to a simple conclusion, President, if a small number of people in a society enjoy a political privilege, which enables them to manipulate the legislative, judicial service and law enforcement, there will be no justice.

While some critics say that referendum in Taiwan has become a tool for politicians to manipulate elections, the voting results have showed that people's eyes are bright and clear, and they are not susceptible to manipulation. People exercise their right derived from direct democracy to be masters of their own house.

FAR FROM BEING a minor freeloader, the Wolbachia parasite is widespread in nature and manipulates the reproduction of a variety of host organisms in diverse ways.

Manipulative techniques never result in a lasting relationship, whereas those relationships (business or personal) based on the use of persuasion tools do endure.

The review showed that reliable evidence on influenza vaccines is thin but there is evidence of widespread manipulation of conclusions and spurious notoriety of the studies

Media has a way of swaying public opinion... Lives of innocent people would be ruined if public opinion decided they were guilty even though a jury found them innocent due to lack of evidence.

It is the first step toward a eugenic world in which children become objects of manipulation and products of will.
+ 操弄 操弄 [cao1 nong4] /to manipulate/manipulation/
By MDBG 2024
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