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Change log entry 72810
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2021-05-28 07:23:49 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 68600 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
and fostered an overall mood of culture and enlightenment.

and ushered in a period of great cultural and economic vitality for China

The land is rugged and harsh, and farming is difficult, yet here culture has flourished.

The level of education soared, and a total of 43 candidates from Kinmen eventually passed the extremely competitive imperial examinations over the years.

Building a culture of learning takes time. Though the jingziting, an incinerator used to dispose of old books in a respectful manner, still stands outside the School Principal Factory, the smoke from its fires has long since dispersed. Nonetheless, an air of learning and culture continues to permeate the atmosphere of the township. These old principals are keeping its legacy alive.

LA (sense #1)

GR ~ atmosphère littéraire; tradition littéraire; niveau de culture (d'un région)
[GT ~ literary atmosphere; literary tradition; level of culture (of a region)]
- 文風 文风 [wen2 feng1] /writing style/
+ 文風 文风 [wen2 feng1] /writing style/(used with 鼎盛[ding3 sheng4]) cultural activity/
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