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Change log entry 72808
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2021-05-28 06:11:59 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 68593 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
I don't think it's "just out" unless combined with 剛.

1. 將蒸籠裡蒸熟的食物取出。
例 「剛出籠的包子」。
2. 離開籠子。
例 「出籠鳥」。
3. 顯露;出現;發布。
例 「八卦消息紛紛出籠」。

GR ... 3. être jeté en grande quantité sur le marché; inonder le marché 4. ...

NA ~ ... 3. (of hoarded supplies, paper currency etc) to sell in large quantities; dump; circulate

A "keeping up with the Joneses" mindset took hold, and everyone felt "it would be wrong not to offer promotions." Many newspapers followed suit, offering cars, air conditioners, computers, you name it, you got it. . . . drawings for gold, CD ROM units, and cash appeared one after the other.

With everybody aiming for a piece of the action, various lesser brands began to appear,

Human rights groups consequently schedule many activities and reports for the end of every year.

and online games began proliferating.

面對來勢洶洶,卻不知究為何物、如何治療的病毒,坊間傳說能預防 SARS 的各式偏方紛紛出籠。
The market has responded to this sudden virus of uncertain origin and unknown cure with all kinds of prescriptions and formulas which are rumored to prevent SARS.

and up on the mezzanine level colorful women's swimwear is already on display.

we tried to talk for quite a while in a few words of German and English, but were unable to communicate.
- 出籠 出笼 [chu1 long2] /just out of the steamer basket 蒸籠|蒸笼/to appear (of products, publications, sometimes derog., "lots of shoddy material is appearing nowadays")/
+ 出籠 出笼 [chu1 long2] /(of food) to be taken out of the steamer/(fig.) (often used with 紛紛|纷纷[fen1 fen1]) (of products, information etc) to appear/to emerge/to come out/(fig.) to dump/to inundate the market/
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