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Change log entry 72703
Processed by: richwarm (2021-05-17 06:15:46 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 68489 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
Note that unlike 伴随 or 跟随 “相随” is not directly transitive.

v. follow

go or come with; follow; accompany
| 有保镖相随
| escorted by a bodyguard; with bodyguard escort
| 他与父母相随进了商场。
| He went to the department store with his parents.

| 有仆人~
| ~到湖边
| ~度蜜月
| 群鸟~飞翔。

| 《文選.阮籍.詠懷詩一七首之一二》:「走獸交橫馳,飛鳥相隨翔。」
| 《三國演義.第一三回》:「帝曰:『朕不可捨百官而去。』眾皆號泣相隨。」

动 跟随
| 我在他后面紧紧相随。

No matter how our day goes, when we're in the company of a jovial character, it never fails to make us happy.

The amount of waste that countries produce tends to grow in tandem with their economies, and especially with the rate of urbanisation.

The innovative hair protector always accompanies those ladies who pay attention to their appearance.

Finally, Ying Tai and Shan Bo could be together for all of eternity.

Spite is never lonely; envy always tags along

For most people, reality may not be perfect, but it's still passable. But for the Siamese twins Chung-jen and Chung-yi, a host of torments profound beyond their comprehension follow at their heels.

1. I like "to tag along" (used in the 2nd last example) because, like 相随, it doesn't have a direct object.

2. I'm adding a figurative sense, illustrated by the waste/urbanisation example and the spite/envy example.
Two other examples:

Much research shows that negative aspects of tribal tourism--pressures from crowding, environmental destruction, restlessness stirred by rising land prices, disputes about how to distribute profits--are to some degree part and parcel of the development process.

Ever in the public eye, Bo Yang's days were a mix of personal misfortune and creative endeavor. Though his life has now come to a close, his legend and his work remain indelibly printed on Taiwan's history.
# 相隨 相随 [xiang1 sui2] /to accompany/to go with sb/
+ 相隨 相随 [xiang1 sui2] /to tag along (with sb)/(in combination with 與|与[yu3] or 和[he2]) to accompany (sb)/(fig.) (of one situation) to go hand in hand (with another)/
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