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Change log entry 72645
Processed by: richwarm (2021-05-10 08:29:59 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 68062 - submitted by 'longjiang' >>
New HSK 7-9 #728

CCA vice commissioner Wu Mi-cha, who headed the delegation to Japan, notes that

Last year, one professor made a big hit with over 30 students, taking them to mainland China for over ten days to familiarize them with the investment environment there.

Besides explaining the natural beauty that abounds here, the guides also spin out a romantic story:

My wife is an HUF volunteer, and three years ago she got me to take a nature guide training course. I have often guided kids' groups or parent-children groups, and when I saw how cute those kids were, I felt it would be cruel to smoke and have them suffer my pollution. Smoking doesn't seem to fit with the image of a nature guide anyway.
# 帶隊 带队 [dai4 dui4] /lead a team, lead a group/group leader/
+ 帶隊 带队 [dai4 dui4] /to lead a team/to lead a group/group leader/(tourism) tour guide/
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