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Change log entry 72491
Processed by: richwarm (2021-04-28 22:05:07 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 68358 - submitted by 'samsara' >>

The Chinese national football team has not wiped all past shame because of the recent introduction of some foreign aid.

一雪前耻,汉语成语,拼音是yī xuě qián chǐ,意思是洗掉耻辱。

Editor: "Wipe" by itself does not mean "remove".
(If you "wipe your face", it doesn't mean you remove your face!)

You need to say something like "wipe off" or "wipe away" etc.
(If you "wipe off the dirt", it means you remove the dirt.)

By the way, there are a few problems with the translation of your example sentence.
For example, in this context, 外援 is not "foreign aid"; it means "foreign player".

外援 : 指球隊招聘的外籍球員。

There's a better translation of your example sentence online:
"China's recent import of foreign soccer talent similarly did not help the shameful record of its international team."
# 一雪前恥 一雪前耻 [yi1 xue3 qian2 chi3] /to wipe all past shame/
- 一雪前恥 一雪前耻 [yi1 xue3 qian2 chi3] /to wipe all past shame (idiom)/
+ 一雪前恥 一雪前耻 [yi1 xue3 qian2 chi3] /to wipe away a humiliation (idiom)/
- 外援 外援 [wai4 yuan2] /external help/foreign aid/
+ 外援 外援 [wai4 yuan2] /foreign aid/external aid/(sports) foreign player/player recruited from overseas/
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