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Change log entry 72478
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2021-04-28 08:01:09 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 68360 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
This one is a biggie. It seems someone confused 大副 with 大幅 and the definition just stayed here for more than a decade.

NOUN first (or chief) mate; mate; chief officer

n. first mate (of a ship)



名 轮船船员的职务名称。船长的第一助手, 负责驾驶工作。

大副(英语:Chief Officer或chief mate, C/O),同义词“first mate”、“first officer”,为船副的一种,系属于一船舶舱面(甲板)部门之高等海员(中华民国交通部正式名称为甲级船员)。
A chief mate (C/M) or chief officer, usually also synonymous with the first mate or first officer, is a licensed mariner and head of the deck department of a merchant ship. The chief mate is customarily a watchstander and is in charge of the ship's cargo and deck crew.

The first mate quickly retrieved the captain's red shirt. While wearing the brightly colored frock, the captain led his crew into battle and defeated the pirates.

At thirty, he signed on as first mate with a cargo ship.

Editor: well-spotted, thanks. This entry has been unchanged since 2008 when another editor added it to the dictionary...
- 大副 大副 [da4 fu4] /substantially/by a big amount/
+ 大副 大副 [da4 fu4] /first mate/first officer (of a ship)/
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