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Change log entry 72452
Processed by: richwarm (2021-04-26 04:51:29 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 68337 - submitted by 'samsara' >>

Editor: As they say, extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.

Your proposal that 急診 means "emergency room" strikes me as a bit extraordinary, but you haven't provided much evidence. I think it's a big claim because

1) It seems unlikely that 急診 is a place, based on the structure of the word: 急診 is literally "(urgent) (medical treatment)". Places typically have a "place character" at the end of the word, like 院 in 醫院, or 場 in 運動場.

2) Dictionaries don't include "emergency room" in their definitions of 急診, as far as I can see.

3) I couldn't find usage of 急診 that would corroborate your claim.

4) In the example you quote, 急診 appears to be a verb. (See below.)

It seems you have taken 去 to mean "go to (a place)" in your example sentence, and presumably that's why you think 急診 means "emergency room".

But 去 has various other senses. For example, it's also used as a particle meaning "in order to" in sentences structured like this:
(verb phrase 1)去(verb phrase 2).

For example:
拿斧頭去砍樹 "use an axe to cut a tree"

... and that's what I think it means in your example:
verb phrase 1: 連忙送兒子 "to hurriedly take (his) son"
去: "in order to"
verb phrase 2: 急診 "receive emergency treatment"

Note: 急診 is defined as a verb in
1) GF: "(動) 緊急診治 : 趕快去醫院急診。"
2) New Age: "(動) to give/receive emergency treatment; treat emergency cases"
Example ~ 幾年前,急診來了一位被毒蛇咬傷的病人,
- 急診 急诊 [ji2 zhen3] /emergency call/emergency (medical) treatment/
# + 急診 急诊 [ji2 zhen3] /emergency call/emergency (medical) treatment/emergency room
+ 急診 急诊 [ji2 zhen3] /emergency call/emergency (medical) treatment/to give or receive emergency treatment/
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