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Change log entry 72447
Processed by: richwarm (2021-04-25 11:21:47 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 68284 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
r[esultative].v[erb]. cheat sb. out of sth.

She was tricked out of all her savings.

A swindler cheated her of one hundred dollars by selling her a watch which did not work.

She fooled the old man out of all his money

But she is in the minority. Many other victims have been duped into losing their life savings, and even if they report what happened to the police, often the police cannot find what happened to the money.
Even former Olympic Taekwondo gold medalist Chu Mu-yen has fallen victim to fraud, having been scammed out of NT$1 million in a moment of carelessness.

"We want to educate future doctors, lawyers and teachers," says Liao. "Tribal settlements have people who suffer from gout and other chronic ailments, so they need doctors. They need lawyers so their land won't be taken from them by Han Chinese. And these tribal settlements even more need teachers willing to stay up in the mountains, so the people there can have brighter futures."

The question "Who are the Hawaiians?" is an interesting archaeological problem, but it no longer seems of much concern to the Hawaiians themselves. Deep down they may resent the whites for having stolen their land, but with the influence of education and intermarriage they have gradually come to identify themselves with their new country.
+ 騙走 骗走 [pian4 zou3] /to cheat (sb out of sth)/to swindle (sb out of sth)/
By MDBG 2024
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