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Change log entry 72360
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2021-04-22 06:05:56 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 68257 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
1) shao3 --> shao4

少陽 is shao4 in K A GR and HDC

Web refs:

The 太 Tài Major and 少 Shào Minor notes of the Chinese pentatonic scale are ...

Liuqi Six Qi Determined by the yearly 地支 Dìzhī Earthly branch 1 st half of the year is 司天 Sītiān Governing heaven qi, 2 nd half 在泉 Zàiquán Residing fountain 厥阴 Juéyīn 少阴 Shàoyīn 少阳 Shàoyáng 太阴 Tàiyīn 阳明 Yángmíng 太阳 Tàiyáng Ceasing Yin (windiness) Lesser Yin (imperial heat) Lesser Yang (minister fire) Greater Yin (dampness) Bright Yang (dryness) Greater Yang (coldness) E Liver/ Pericardium S Heart/ Kidney - Gallbladder/ Triple Burner C Spleen/Lung W Stomach/ Large Intestine N Bladder/Small Intestine

少阳 Shàoyáng ‘Lesser Yang’


2) "lesser yang gallbladder meridian of the leg"

Wp ~
The 12 standard meridians, also called Principal Meridians, are divided into Yin and Yang groups. [...]

Meridian name (Chinese) - Shaoyang Gallbladder Channel of Foot (足少阳胆经) or Foot's Minor Yang Gallbladder Meridian
Quality of Yin or Yang - Lesser Yang (shaoyang, 少阳)
Extremity - Foot (足)
Five Elements - Wood (木)
Organ - Gall Bladder (膽)

"In total, there are three yin meridians (heart, lung, and pericardium) and three yang meridians (small intestine, large intestine, and sanjiao) of the arm, as well as three yin meridians (liver, kidney, spleen) and three yang meridians (urinary bladder, gall bladder, and stomach) of the leg."
- 少陽病 少阳病 [shao3 yang2 bing4] /name of disease in TCM/
+ 少陽病 少阳病 [shao4 yang2 bing4] /name of disease in TCM/
- 少陽經 少阳经 [shao3 yang2 jing1] /one of the channels of TCM/
+ 少陽經 少阳经 [shao4 yang2 jing1] /lesser yang gallbladder meridian of the leg (one of the 12 principal meridians of TCM)/
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