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Change log entry 72351
Processed by: richwarm (2021-04-21 05:34:13 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 67949 - submitted by 'aaronwong' >>
1. 央视主持人倪萍最近退隐以后,闲暇时间都喜欢舞文弄墨,最近,她宣布自己ide作品将在加拿大办画展,小编在此祝他成功。
2. 照直写下来,那就清清楚楚了。而写碑的人偏要舞文弄墨,所以反而越舞越糊涂。

Editor: LA ~
1. 曲解法律條文以營私舞弊,敗壞法紀(墨:繩墨。比喻法度)​。也作「舞文弄法」、「弄法舞文」。
例 「如果縱容官員舞文弄墨,國家必定難保長治久安」。
2. 寫作。比喻賣弄文辭。
例 「他退休之後,閒來無事,就喜歡舞文弄墨」、「胸無點墨的人也敢舞文弄墨,不怕貽笑大方」。

TP ~
[Li Qingzhao of the Song dynasty and her husband Zhao Mingcheng both loved to study ancient inscriptions on bronze and stone. In his student days, Zhao would often pawn the clothes off his own back to buy scraps of inscription rubbings and fragments of books written on bamboo strips. When he brought these home along with some snacks, he and his wife would sit shoulder to shoulder, poring over them all night. Later, because of political struggles, they went to live in Zhao's native place, and experienced poverty once again. But Li Qingzhao didn't mind having no pearls or jade to wear. In the spirit of Tao Yuanming's "Words on Returning" the couple called their study the "Hall of Returning." There they would pass the time testing each other's memories by quoting a sentence from the classics to see if the other could say from which book, which chapter and which page it came; the winner would drink tea before the other. Often they were so overcome with merriment that they spilt the tea down themselves.]
> 這人文關懷不只是文人們的舞文弄墨,詩詞對答,更在生活每一處行腳。
"Their cultured concern for each other was not merely a literary game of wordplay and erudition, but extended into every part of life."

Literary critic David Wang has called Li a transgressive sorceress of the written word: "She uses the rash words and invective that spew from our mouths to reveal thoughts and fears we are ashamed to mention."

To correctly grind ink, "You press down on the end of the ink stick and push it forward," says Chen, "and you have to moderate the amount of force you apply. As you move the stick back and forth, the musk and camphor in it release their scent, clearing your mind and restoring your energy." By slowly grinding your ink before starting to work, you focus your thoughts.

Perhaps it was just meant to be? Chen feels there is not another person more qualified than him to write Three Families in Formosa, for he was born in Tainan where the Dutch were based, he quite likely has Dutch blood in his veins, his long passion for Taiwan’s history has led him to publish on the subject, he is a medical professional, and as a writer he has benefited from the influence of Jurassic Park author Michael Crichton and the NHK’s Taiga dramas.

What exactly is a Chinese man of letters? There are numerous types in history. In my way of thinking, he first of all wants to write essays and play with language. He has a lot of basic knowledge about many matters but isn't specialized. Liang Chi-chao and Hu Shih are quintessential Chinese men of letters. These thoughts come from a process of self-reflection. Deep down I think of myself as this kind of person.
# 舞文弄墨 舞文弄墨 [wu3 wen2 nong4 mo4] /1. indulge oneself in writing; enjoy literary writing 2. enjoy using fancy writing, phrase-mongering/
+ 舞文弄墨 舞文弄墨 [wu3 wen2 nong4 mo4] /(idiom) to display one's facility with words/to show off one's literary skills/(original meaning) to pervert the law by playing with legal phraseology (墨[mo4] was a reference to 繩墨|绳墨[sheng2 mo4])/
By MDBG 2024
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