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Change log entry 72319
Processed by: richwarm (2021-04-19 06:10:43 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 68218 - submitted by 'goldyn_chyld' >>
B: 止损也叫“割肉”,是指当某一投资出现的亏损达到预定数额时,及时斩仓出局,以避免形成更大的亏损。其目的就在于投资失误时把损失限定在较小的范围内。



Editor: I'd put "stop-loss" at the start.
That way, you get the idea immediately.
It's a verb according to some of the usage in the Baike article (e.g. 只根据市场本身来决定什么时候应该止损,...)
But "prevent losses" isn't an accurate definition for that verb.

Note that we already have an entry for 止损点, although I'm not entirely happy with the explanation there.
I'll add an entry for 止损单 (stop-loss order).

I'll also change the entry for 停損單 since there are two kinds of stop order -- one to lock in a profit (停利單, apparently) and another to prevent further losses (停損單).
# 止損 止损 [zhi3 sun3] /(finance) to prevent losses/to sell (stocks etc) at a lower price than the original price (when they dip to a certain amount, as to avoid even further losses)/stop-loss/
+ 止損 止损 [zhi3 sun3] /(finance) stop-loss/to sell a security in response to its price dropping to one's stop-loss point 止損點|止损点[zhi3 sun3 dian3]/
- 止損點 止损点 [zhi3 sun3 dian3] /stop-loss point, a point at which you make a small loss to limit your losses/
+ 止損點 止损点 [zhi3 sun3 dian3] /(finance) stop-loss point (price at which one resolves to sell a security at a loss in order to avoid the possibility of having to sell later at an even lower price)/
- 停損單 停损单 [ting2 sun3 dan1] /stop order (finance)/
+ 停損單 停损单 [ting2 sun3 dan1] /stop-loss order (finance)/
+ 止損單 止损单 [zhi3 sun3 dan1] /stop-loss order (finance)/
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