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Change log entry 71998
Processed by: richwarm (2021-04-02 01:49:24 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 67823 - submitted by 'polaris' >>
From https://cn.nytimes.com/letters/20130905/cc05letters-delta/

The note didn’t elaborate on her reasons: the burnout from excessive training
From https://cn.nytimes.com/sports/20130902/c02lina/dual/

From http://www.xinhuanet.com/2020-07/28/c_1126292943.htm

Editor: This old entry is certainly in need of an update. Thanks for drawing attention to it!

examples ~

1) /(banking) to overdraw/to take out an overdraft/an overdraft/

In their rush to extend loans to consumers, the banks have also indirectly fostered a much greater acceptance of the idea of borrowing among the public.

We live in an age of runaway consumerism, in a society rife with debt. We are witnessing the specter of unbridled spending and debt raising its ugly head.


2) /to overspend (i.e. expenditure in excess of revenue)/

Consumers Foundation Chairman Wu Chung-chi stated at the time of the announcement that their expenditures (for staff salaries and publication of their consumer magazine) exceed revenues by NT$1 million per month.


3) /(fig.) to exhaust (one's enthusiasm, energy etc)/

That's not possible unless you can make the harsh choice to suffer and endure. We are not like apprentice workers, who are used to hard labor from childhood, so it's impossible for us to do it. If I did it for one week, I'd be completely exhausted.

However, three long years of hectic round-the-clock life became too physically demanding. While the family's financial outlook improved, it did so at the expense of their health.

To the members of UndergraduEight, a lack of technical progress is the cause of mental fatigue, something far harder to overcome than mere physical tiredness.




4) /to damage a natural resource through overuse/

Wang Chung-ho believes the most pressing thing at the moment is to replenish the water that has been over-pumped.

Obviously after 20 years of over-use, the imbalance between surface water and groundwater is getting worse,

"The force of modernization has deeply penetrated the village, allowing the economic situation to be much better than in most tribal villages," notes Lin. "But it has come at the price of damaging the environment and sacrificing the health of residents."
- 透支 透支 [tou4 zhi1] /(bank) overdraft/
# + 透支 透支 [tou4 zhi1] /(bank) overdraft/overuse/
+ 透支 透支 [tou4 zhi1] /(banking) to overdraw/to take out an overdraft/an overdraft/to overspend (i.e. expenditure in excess of revenue)/(old) to draw one's wage in advance/(fig.) to exhaust (one's enthusiasm, energy etc)/to damage a natural resource through overuse/
By MDBG 2024
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