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Change log entry 71980
Processed by: richwarm (2021-03-31 11:11:22 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 67805 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
* More commonly as a metaphor, the prologue to something.

What's past, is prologue.
(Common translation, repeated in many articles; so I'm not including any example that is just quoting this sentence.)

This article contains six chapters. The preface summarizes the precedent studies and points, and clarifies the research methods and objectives.

Added a rematch button for final battle in the Prologue when the player loses

While the narrative runs to over 17,000 lines, it's apparently unfinished, as the prologue ambitiously introduces 29 pilgrims and promises four stories apiece, and the innkeeper never crowns a victor.
虽然乔叟的叙述超过一万七千行,但很明显这部作品没有完结。他在序章里曾野心勃勃地 介绍了29位朝圣者,并保证每人都有4个故事,不仅如此,旅馆主人 最终也没宣布比赛的赢家。

“Tune In” is liable to be approached slowly and suspiciously. It’s an opening salvo that doesn’t get beyond 1962.

Several days later in Montreal, the New Democratic Party of Canada (NDP) declared support for interculturalism in the preamble of its constitution adopted its federal convention held in Montreal on April 14, 2013.

20年来的香江故事,只是刚刚翻开序章 ,未来的香港将与祖国一道,携手同心再出发,创造更加美好的明天。

2021年,我们将迎来中国共产党成立100周年。千秋伟业,百年只是序章 ,还有更多胜利等待我们去夺取,还有更大使命等待我们去完成。

Baike ~

TP ~
Yu Hsuan-ju, the initiator of the café, says that once by chance she saw a TV program about Tuvalu, an island nation in the South Pacific which has diplomatic relations with Taiwan. Tuvalu appeared so vulnerable to the rising tides of global warming that the program aroused Yu’s curiosity. Wanting to know more about the threat to the distant islands of the South Pacific, she began to research the predicted rise in sea level caused by global warming. Her desire to someday visit the islands to find some resolution to this potential disaster gave rise to the Across the Ocean Program.
+ 序章 序章 [xu4 zhang1] /prologue/preface/preamble/
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