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Change log entry 71864
Processed by: richwarm (2021-03-21 11:02:18 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 64346 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
☞ 一言堂

what sb. says goes

single-word shop – no bargaining; uniform prices (a horizontal inscribed board hung over a shop)
conference hall where one person has all the say—what I say goes; one person alone has the say; one person lays down the law (opp. 群言堂)
| 要搞“群言堂”, 不搞“一言堂”。
| Let all have a say, not just one.

1. 原指旧时商店所挂的匾额,以表示买卖公平、不二价。后比喻领导缺乏民主作风,不能听取群众意见而专断独行(与「群言堂」相对)。
| 我们应打破~,让团队拥有不同的声音。


1 名 旧时店铺挂的匾额, 上写“一言堂”, 表示不能还价。
2 名 比喻不听群众意见独断专行的作风(跟“群言堂”相对)。

☞ 群言堂

① the voice of the many
② a situation in which everyone has his say

a conference hall where everyone is allowed to have his say—rule by the voice of the many (opp. 一言堂)
| 我们提倡“群言堂”, 反对“一言堂”。
| We advocate “letting everyone have his say” and oppose the practice of “what I say goes”.

| 要搞~,不搞一言堂。

名 指能充分发扬民主, 让人讲话, 广泛听取群众意见的工作作风(跟“一言堂”相对)。

最近召开的党的十一届五中全会总结了正反两个方面的经验,通过了《关于党内政治生活的若干准则》,把“不允许搞‘一言堂 ’、家长制”作为一条党规党法肯定下来,这是非常必要的。

要深入群众,有事同群众商量,认真倾听群众的呼声,使我们的一切工作都能真正代表人民的根本利益。但是,有些同志却不是这样。他们只相信自己或自己周围的少数人,迷恋于搞“一言堂 ”,听不得不同意见,总想把人家的嘴巴都封住。他们害怕群众,不准人家讲话,自己做错了也不准批评,甚至依仗职权对提出批评的群众进行打击报复。

Chan stresses that having a small staff does not mean that a mini-mag is necessarily dominated by a single point of view. In today’s society, a magazine can work via the Internet to solicit articles and get layout work done. “Net-working” is the term coined to describe the phenomenon, and it has become quite commonplace. It is no longer necessary to hire people in-house to get their services.

But it is far less clear that Mr. Wang’s voice would be heard over the voice of the party’s supreme leader, Xi Jinping, who has amassed power unseen in China since Mao Zedong and Deng Xiaoping.

在党委一班人中,第一书记能够坚持发扬民主作风,组织大家讨论,认真听取不同意见,把自己置身于一班人的监督中,任何事情就好商量好解决了。相反,一人说了算,搞一言堂,不搞群言堂 ,只能是一人称霸,一班人的积极性调动不起来,整个工作就上不去。
- 一言堂 一言堂 [yi1 yan2 tang2] /a place where one person has all the say (dictatorship, shop in which one can't bargain etc)/one person lays down the law/
# 一言堂 一言堂 [yi1 yan2 tang2] /board hung on shops to indicate prices are not negotiable (old)/what one says goes/authoritarianism/
# 群言堂 群言堂 [qun2 yan2 tang2] /to let everyone have their say/to to take people's views into account (of a leader)/to rule democratically/
+ 一言堂 一言堂 [yi1 yan2 tang2] /(sign hung in a shop) prices fixed – no bargaining (old)/having things decided by the will of a single individual/autocratic rule/(contrasted with 群言堂[qun2 yan2 tang2])/
+ 群言堂 群言堂 [qun2 yan2 tang2] /letting everyone have their say/taking people's views into account/free expression of different views/(contrasted with 一言堂[yi1 yan2 tang2])/
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