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Change log entry 71826
Processed by: richwarm (2021-03-19 07:02:57 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 65264 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
* MoE has pronunciation cīsuī, but it isn't supported by any other source.
* Other than as part of the expression “暴戾恣睢”, 恣睢 may be more classical than simply literary. I've only seen it used once on modern work -- by Lu Xun, quoted below.
* I haven't seen the second sense in any modern source, but it's likely classical and attested with citations in at least two dictionaries -- I see no reason not to include it.

v. 〈wr[itten].〉
① be reckless/unbridled
② be extremely conceited

reckless; unbridled
See 暴戾恣睢

1. 〈书〉任意胡作非为;放纵蛮横。
| 盗蹠日杀不辜,肝人之肉,暴戾~,聚党数千人横行天下,竟以寿终(《史记‧卷六十一‧伯夷列传》)。
2. 〈书〉放任自得的样子。
| 夫尧既已黥汝以仁义,而劓汝以是非矣,汝将何以游夫遥荡~转徙之涂乎(《庄子‧大宗师》)。

1. 形容暴横、放纵。
| 《史记.卷六一.伯夷传》:「盗蹠日杀不辜,肝人之肉,暴戾恣睢,聚党数千人横行天下,竟以寿终。」
| 《后汉书.卷五二.崔骃传》:「黎、共奋以跋扈兮,羿、浞狂以恣睢。」
2. 自得的样子。
| 《庄子.大宗师》:「夫尧既已黥汝以仁义,而劓汝以是非矣。汝将何以游夫遥荡恣睢,转徙之涂乎?」

形 <文> 任意胡作非为

> And yet, just to keep that from happening, I wouldn't want them to have this vagabond life of mine, any more than I'd want them to have Runtu's barren one. Still less would I want them to muddle through the hedonistic lives other people lead. (Lyell)
> But again I would not like them, because they want to be one, to have a treadmill existence like mine, nor to suffer like Runtu until they become stupefied, nor yet, like others, to devote all their energies to dissipation. (Yangs)
> or to suffer numbly like Runtu - nor to anaesthetize themselves with self-indulgence, as others did ... (Lovell)
+ 恣睢 恣睢 [zi4 sui1] /(literary) reckless/unbridled/self-indulgent/conceited/overly pleased with oneself/
By MDBG 2024
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