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Change log entry 71824
Processed by: richwarm (2021-03-19 06:33:21 GMT)
Comment: Removing a redundant section of the definition (the first part of the "Note".)
- 郡望 郡望 [jun4 wang4] /choronym (a family's region of origin, used as an indicator of superior social status in a choronym-surname combination) (Note: In medieval times, an influential clan was referred to using a combination of choronym and surname as an indication of elite status. For example, the Tang writer Han Yu 韓愈|韩愈[Han2 Yu4] is also known as 韓昌黎|韩昌黎[Han2 Chang1 li2], where 韓|韩[Han2] is his surname and 昌黎[Chang1 li2] is his family's ancestral prefecture 郡[jun4].)/
+ 郡望 郡望 [jun4 wang4] /choronym (a family's region of origin, used as an indicator of superior social status in a choronym-surname combination) (For example, the Tang writer Han Yu 韓愈|韩愈[Han2 Yu4] is also known as 韓昌黎|韩昌黎[Han2 Chang1 li2], where 韓|韩[Han2] is his surname and 昌黎[Chang1 li2] is his clan's ancestral prefecture 郡[jun4].)/
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