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Change log entry 71823
Processed by: richwarm (2021-03-19 06:29:14 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 64993 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
* Sense large-scale war (大规模的战争/大战事) seems more historical than dated.
* Sense large/strong army may be dated.
* Sense "soldier" isn't necessarily dated as PLC says or derogatory as LAC says, but it's connotation seems to shifted over the course of 20th century: pre-WWII it seems to be a common word for "soldier, foot soldier" and generally refers to Chinese soldiers, but since WWII it seems to have been associated with American GIs, "美国大兵", and as consequence it's usage as declined as it's mostly used to refer to American soldiers, as in the PRC title for the film Saving Private Ryan —抢救雷恩大兵. I think that's why some Chinese people can feel it sounds derogatory, because it's used to refer to (hostile) foreign soldiers, not to Chinese military people.

① soldiers; foot soldiers M:ge/míng 个/名
② big battle
③ imperial troops
④ large army

1 DATED soldier
2 LITERARY numbers of troops
| 大兵压境
| a large number of (enemy) troops threatening the border

1. 士兵(含贬义)。
| 美国~。
2. 声势浩大的军队。
| ~压境。
3. 〈书〉大规模的战争。
| 妖星出,天下~将起(《宋书‧卷二十四‧天文志二》)。

1. 国家的军队。
| 《儒林外史.第三九回》:「萧云仙又叫一百兵丁埋伏在山凹里,只听山头炮响,一齐呐喊起来,报称大兵已到,赶上前来助战。」
2. 雄厚的兵力。
| 《文选.陈琳.檄吴将校部曲文》:「日忘一日,以至覆没,大兵一放,玉石俱碎。」
| 《文选.钟会.檄蜀文》:「若偷安旦夕,迷而不反,大兵一放,玉石俱碎。」
3. 大战事。
4. 士兵。

1 名 士兵。
2 名 指人数众多、声势浩大的军队
| 大兵压境。

Soldiers will be arriving here any minute! (Lyell)
The Imperial Army will be here any time now. (Yangs)
But the army's still coming (Lovell)

Remembering what he had suffered at the hands of those soldiers he could well picture what prison would be like.

Tom Hanks was brilliant in the movie Saving Private Ryan. He might get another Oscar nomination this year.

Taiwan's agricultural produce once again took a sharp turn. This was easy to understand, because before Zheng Chenggong came, Taiwan only had a population of 100,000 people. Once Zheng arrived, he brought with him many immigrants. The army alone amounted to 70,000 people. So Zheng Chenggong ordered that sweet potatoes be planted, so that the army could at least be fed before they worried about other considerations.

he stories she chooses to tell all tend to involve love that is in some way on the edge. Examples include the tale of a man's secret love for a friend's wife and the suffering he experiences as a result of never being able to give it expression; of a woman going to war in the Persian Gulf and worrying that she will die there[...]
+ 大兵 大兵 [da4 bing1] /soldier/large army/powerful army/large-scale war (old)/
By MDBG 2024
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