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Change log entry 71822
Processed by: richwarm (2021-03-19 05:49:16 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 65740 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
洋学堂 is the name given in the late Qing period to schools teaching subjects similar to those taught in the West, rather than the Confucian classics traditionally taught in Chinese schools. Most translations I see seem deceiving to me: "Western learning/Western studies" sounds like students would be studying the West (like "Asian studies"); "foreign-run school" is just wrong, it doesn't have to be foreign-run and certainly most weren't; "foreign academy" sounds like a modern international/foreign private school...


| 巴金《家》:这都是给洋学堂教坏了的。

In my student days, when I went back to the village and saw that the peasants were against the " foreign-style school", I, too, used to identify myself with the general run of " foreign-style students and teachers" and stand up for it, feeling that the peasants were somehow wrong.

Look at your uncle Ke-ting. He never went to school, he only studied at home with a tutor. But he reads the classics very well, and he writes better than any of you."

If you don't want to take my word for it, ask him. He's just returned from a foreign-run academy in Beijing. (Lyell)
If you don't believe me, ask him! He's just come back from the foreign school in Beijing. (Yangs)
If you don't believe me, ask him - he's just back from one of those foreign academies in . (Lovell)

> Some time back, this lad had gone off to town and attended one of those new fangled academies where they taught foreign things along with Chinese subjects. After that, somehow or other, he'd sailed off to Japan. By the time he came back half a year later he was walking stiff-legged, just the way foreigners do, and his queue was gone! That was enough to send his mother into a good dozen fits of wailing and his dear wife had thrice tried to drown herself in the well. (Lyell)
> After studying in a foreign-style school in the city, it seemed he had gone to Japan. When he came home half a year later his legs were straight and his queue had disappeared. His mother wept bitterly a dozen times, and his wife tried three times to jump into the well. (Yangs)
> Some time past, he had gone off to town to enrol in one of the newfangled Academies of Western Learning, then somehow gone off again to Japan. Six months later, he was back, goose-stepping like a foreigner and his queue gone with the fairies. His mother had wept inconsolably, while his wife had tried to commit suicide three times by jumping into the well. (Lovells)

姨的发言才具有实质性的意义,不像三舅,善罢甘休能怎么样,不善罢甘休又能怎么样?一听老姨的话,奶奶才害了怕。她不怕秀春的三舅,别看他在省里念过洋学堂 ,她倒是觉得这个没念过洋学堂的老姨,旗鼓相当,不好对付。
+ 洋學堂 洋学堂 [yang2 xue2 tang2] /school after the Western model, teaching subjects such as foreign languages, math, physics, chemistry etc (old)/
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