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Change log entry 71820
Processed by: richwarm (2021-03-19 05:41:52 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 65358 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
It's not really equivalent to the western “gentry”.

n. influential families of a prefecture


指郡中为众人所仰望的贵显家族, 如陇西李氏、太原王氏、汝南周氏等。
| 鲁迅《阿Q正传》:第四, 是阿Q的籍贯了。倘他姓赵, 则据现在称郡望的老例, 可以照《郡名百家姓》上的注解, 说是‘陇西天水人也’。


> If his family name were definitely Zhao then I could follow the custom, so popular in present-day biographical writing, of naming the ancient district from whence his family hailed. That way, basing myself on the standard reference, The Hundred Surnames and Their Places of Origin, I could assert with confidence that our Ah Q doth a Tianshui man of Longxi be. Trouble is, since it's somewhat doubtful that Zhao was his family name in the first place, how can I assert with any degree of certainty where his family came from? (Lyell)
> If his surname were Zhao, then according to the old custom which still prevails of classifying people by their district, one might look up the commentary in The Hundred Surnames and find “Native of Tianshui in Gansu.” But unfortunately this surname is open to question, with the result that Ah Q's place of origin must also remain uncertain. (Yangs)
> If we could be sure his surname was Zhao, we could trace him back to the province from which the clan originated. A quick glance through our old school copy of the Hundred Surnames would leave him 'A Native of Tianshui, Gansu Province'. But as we have no reliable information about his surname, neither can we fix on his birthplace. (Lovells)

这些新房的主人,往往喜欢在大门的门额上嵌入辉缘石,或镌刻“颍川衍派”或“江夏世家”或“西河故郡”等字样,这就是一种郡望 的标志。人们只要一看这种郡号,便知这家主人的姓氏,其祖先来自何方。

Editor: Quotes from some of my references ~

Routledge Handbook of Imperial Chinese History:
"It argues that, from the Western Wei, Northern Zhou, and Sui through the Early Tang, the central government was continuously dominated by a group of upper-class people with choronyms in Guanzhong and Long (Gansu). [...]
choronym (junwang 郡望), one's ancestral place, often an indicator of prominence"

Title: 唐代士人の郡望について (On the "Chun Wang" (郡望) of the Gentry in T'ang Dynasty)
Author: 竹田 龍兒 (Takeda Ryuji)

"It was a much favored ritual to address a person using first his native province and then his family name."

郡望: 宋姓郡望主要有京兆郡、西河郡、廣平郡、敦煌郡、河南郡、弘農郡、扶風郡、樂陵郡、江夏郡等。其中,西河、廣平、敦煌、河南、扶風為古代宋氏五大郡望。


1) "During the medieval period, the choronym coupled with the surname became a standard way of distinguishing the superior social status of locally influential families."
2) "... her epitaph also records the family's choronym; she is identified as Taiyuan Guo 太原郭. This practice of recording choronyms continued into later eras and was especially important throughout the Tang."
3) "The term 'choronym' refers to the combination of a surname and a distinctive geographical location (usually the name of a commandery) where the family first established its economic, political, and cultural influence. The choronym became a condensed way of communicating great clan status in biographical and genealogical works, including epitaphs."
4) "powerful families can be identified through inscriptions that record numerous individuals sharing the same choronym-surname combination
5 "Only Hedong Commandery, the choronym of Liu Dai's son-in-law, was located further west in Si Province 司州 (southern Shanxi). Many of these choronyms were used to name émigré commanderies (qiaojun 僑郡) or prefectures (qiaox- ian 僑縣) established in the South"
6) What does this detailed list of six generations of genealogy and marriage alliances, with special emphasis on office holding and regions of origin (choronyms), tell us about early medieval attitudes toward the indicators of elite status?
-- from "Entombed Epigraphy and Commemorative Culture in Early Medieval China" by Timothy M. Davis

<< a government student of the eighteenth generation, also reports that "our lineage had its origin in Fanyang."* Footnote: * Fanyang is the junwang 郡望(choronym) of the Zous. >>
--from "Confucian Rituals and Chinese Villagers"

JUNWANG 郡望 (prominent clan in the commandery; choronym): in the Six Dynasties and Sui-Tang period, the social status of officials and scholars came to be judged by the prominence of their ancestral clan in a commandery or junwang. The best known clans included the Cuis of Qinghe 清河崔, the Lus of Fanyang 范陽盧, the Lis of Zhaojun 趙郡李, the Zhengs of Xingyang 滎陽鄭, and the Wangs The best known clans included the Cuis of Qinghe 清河崔, the Lus of Fanyang 范陽盧, the Lis of Zhaojun 趙郡李, the Zhengs of Xingyang 滎陽鄭, and the Wangs of Taiyuan 太原王.
"Historical Dictionary of Medieval China" By Victor Cunrui Xiong"

"This paper is focused on the historical comparison between the Chinese choronym system (Junwangzhidu) and the Korean choronym system (Pon’gwanchedo), which respectively existed in Chinese history from ancient to T’ang times and in Korean history from the traditional period to modern times."

【Abstract】 Modern dictionaries of Chinese define the meaning of Chun-wang as the Chinese choronym to the elite families of the prefecture.And these definitions of Chtin-wang heavily influence modern scholars who study Chinese choronyms.But I think these definitions of Chtinwang should be carefully re-considered.Because,in Chinese historiographies,the word Chtinwang means the registry of the ancestor rather than the elite families.Even in the examples which modern dictionaries present to explain the meaning of Chtin-wang the stated example also means the registry of the ancestor.
A research of the meaning of "native place" in Modern Chinese Dictionary

"What this celebrated association recalls is the medieval Chinese practice of associating a powerful clan with a specific place-name at the prefectural level (junwang 郡望, translated as “choronym” by David Johnson). In both cases the place-name functioned to convey the clan’s prestige."
* David Johnson, Medieval Chinese Oligarchy, p. 30. Following the format of the Chinese phrase junwan, we may call Huizhou lineages’ practice of associating lineage with village names “chunwang 村望.”
- 郡望 郡望 [jun4 wang4] /(old) gentry/
# + 郡望 郡望 [jun4 wang4] /(old) locally well-known and respected family/
+ 郡望 郡望 [jun4 wang4] /choronym (a family's region of origin, used as an indicator of superior social status in a choronym-surname combination) (Note: In medieval times, an influential clan would refer to itself using a combination of choronym and surname as an indication of elite status. For example, the Tang writer Han Yu 韓愈|韩愈[Han2 Yu4] is also known as 韓昌黎|韩昌黎[Han2 Chang1 li2], where 韓|韩[Han2] is his surname and 昌黎[Chang1 li2] is his family's ancestral prefecture 郡[jun4].)/
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