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Change log entry 71780
Processed by: richwarm (2021-03-13 21:51:52 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 67668 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
Is there any evidence that 啕 is designated officially as the simplified form of 咷.
If not, should this entry be as follows?
咷 咷 [tao2] /wail/

Editor: Official simplification documents appear to say nothing about how 咷 is to be simplified.
In particular, they don't say that the 规范字 for 咷 is 啕, as far as I can see.
# 咷 啕 [tao2] /wail/
- 咷 啕 [tao2] /wail/
+ 咷 咷 [tao2] /wail/
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