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Change log entry 71775
Processed by: richwarm (2021-03-12 07:17:09 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 64354 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
* 反面教员 seems to be used only in the PRC and to have its origin in party-speak.

☞ 反面教员

n. sb. who can be taken as negative example

teacher by negative example

| 他的错误行为让人引以为戒,可作为我们的~。

☞ 反面教材

n. negative example

negative example which may serve as a lesson; bad experience which teaches us what not to do

| 炫富行为,是标准的~
| 他好大喜功,导致事业失败收场,成为创业者的~。

The Rightists are very good teachers by negative example.

Let them stay on in their own unit but strip them of their political capital, isolate them and use them as teachers by negative example.

Previously there were the Ching government, Yuan Shih-kai and the Northern warlords, and then there was Chiang Kai-shek. They were all fine teachers by negative example.

Greece is held up as a cautionary tale, and every uptick in the interest rate on U. S. government bonds is treated as an indication that markets are turning on America over its deficits.

The political turmoil in Thailand over the past two years has almost given us a counter - example.

It is a classic example of how not to design a new city centre.

China Uses ‘House of Cards’ as Illustration of West’s Corruption

Yet, despite these welcome modifications to a dress style that served as an unwitting tutorial on how not to wear a suit, Mr. Spicer has stuck to his attention-grabbing neckwear, ties not only carnival-barker garish but also manifestly wrong in other ways.
+ 反面教員 反面教员 [fan3 mian4 jiao4 yuan2] /(PRC) teacher by negative example/sb from whom one can learn what not to do/
+ 反面教材 反面教材 [fan3 mian4 jiao4 cai2] /negative example/sth that teaches one what not to do/
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