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Change log entry 71753
Processed by: richwarm (2021-03-11 04:55:50 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 67644 - submitted by 'shawkynasr' >>
There are two meaning, because that idioms consider as 新成语。
1. 折、扣:按 成数减少或扣除。指以各种名目打折、 扣除。
2. 喻指事情办得很不合人的本意(多指规模、数目被缩小)。— 新词语10000条.上海:上海辞书出版社.2012. other ref: 原指出售商品减低价格,现在常用来比喻办事大大走样。例:“你看!他们就是这样七折八扣地完成任务!”
# 七折八扣 七折八扣 [qi1 zhe2 ba1 kou4] /1. (Idiom) not pay up the full amount; various deductions (and cuts); with great discount 2. (Idiom) not compelete/
+ 七折八扣 七折八扣 [qi1 zhe2 ba1 kou4] /various cuts and deductions (idiom)/fig. greatly reduced/substantially scaled back/
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