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Change log entry 71752
Processed by: richwarm (2021-03-10 11:41:29 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 67652 - submitted by 'aaronwong' >>
Hackers and online vigilantes routinely dox both public and private figures.

The posting doxes Moore's personal information, including date of birth, address, phone number and more.

from Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary

My understanding is that
- 人肉 is about *finding* someone's private information whereas doxing is about *publishing* it.
(Or maybe 人肉 can be finding *and* publishing, but even then, doxing is purely about publishing, not about searching.)
- 人肉 is by definition a collaborative process whereas doxing often is not.

So I don't think it's right to add "dox sb" here.

If I'm wrong, please put in another submission with evidence in the form of definitions and/or examples of usage.
(I mean definitions and examples for 人肉, not "dox".)
# - 人肉 人肉 [ren2 rou4] /to crowdsource information about sb or sth (abbr. for 人肉搜索[ren2 rou4 sou1 suo3])/human (used attributively, as in 人肉盾牌[ren2 rou4 dun4 pai2], human shield)/
# + 人肉 人肉 [ren2 rou4] /to crowdsource information about sb or sth (abbr. for 人肉搜索[ren2 rou4 sou1 suo3])/human (used attributively, as in 人肉盾牌[ren2 rou4 dun4 pai2], human shield)/dox(x) sb/
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