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Change log entry 71724
Processed by: richwarm (2021-03-08 04:55:32 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 64468 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
The meaning of 攫取 is "to seize", "grab", "capture", not to "rob" or "pillage", which gives a very different mental image. I imagine in some cases the words in the current definition might not be a bad translation, but this should be clear from context. See the examples below, many would look ridiculous the translator followed our current definition. Notice that seizing a city and plundering a city are very different things. This word isn't even necessarily negative.

VERB seize; grab
| 攫取暴利
| rake in exorbitant profits
| 攫取别国的资源
| seize the resources of other countries

| 老鹰~猎物
| 从生活中~灵感
| 强盗~财物
| ~他人研究成果。

1. 夺取。如:「双方竞争激烈,都想攫取冠军锦标。」
2. 抓取。
| 《喻世明言.卷一三.张道陵七试赵升》:「约莫更深,忽听得一阵狂风,白虎神早到。一见真人,便来攫取。」
| 《二十年目睹之怪现状.第四六回》:「他说问明了,便不必劳驾,代我来回话罢。说罢,攫取了那张亲供便走。」

动 夺取; 掠取
| 八国联军把圆明园的珍宝攫取一空
| 攫取暴利。

Dolphins have many little pointed teeth. They use them to grab fish and squid. Then they swallow them whole.

The economic pie was shrinking, so everyone was reaching for the biggest slice while there was still something left to grab.

A fledgling white-tailed kite [bottom] grabs a vole from its father 100 feet above the ground in mid-flight.

We have all been desensitized to the federal power grabs, because they have been so sudden and so sweeping.

The lady conspired to seize supreme power.

Its tax captures most of the surplus above the cost of production.

A weaker currency allows German manufacturers to grab market share.

They were like hawks watching for an opportunity to snatch their prey from under the very claws of their opponents.

在土耳其即将垮台的时候,俄国看到了攫取君土坦丁堡的大好时机。 俄国的这项打算当时得到大不列颠和法国的同意。
In the imminent fall of Turkey, Russia saw a golden opportunity to acquire Constantinople --a plan which met with the approval of Great Britain and France.

Their purpose is to mislead the public and create confusion in an attempt to realize their dream of dis-membering China, seizing Tibet and finally subverting socialist China.

Editor: a valuable correction -- thanks
- 攫取 攫取 [jue2 qu3] /to plunder/to loot/robbery/pillage/
+ 攫取 攫取 [jue2 qu3] /to seize/to capture/to grab/
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