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Change log entry 71695
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2021-03-03 06:12:16 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 67602 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
Even if 狡诈 can be used as a noun, "craft" would not be the best word to use at the head of the definition since it usually means "activity involving skill in making things by hand".
"guile" would be a less ambiguous noun to use.

But GF, K and PLC all define 狡诈 as an adjective
PLC ~ deceitful, crafty, cunning

I suspect our definition is based on what PLC says, and that "craft" is a typo.

J ~ That diplomat was too crafty.
- 狡詐 狡诈 [jiao3 zha4] /craft/cunning/deceitful/
+ 狡詐 狡诈 [jiao3 zha4] /crafty/cunning/deceitful/
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