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Change log entry 71687
Processed by: richwarm (2021-03-01 08:17:09 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 64992 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
* I know this can be seen as 喝+道 ("to shoutingly say"?), but that's no different from many other verbs in the dictionary. This sense is quite common, much more than the sense defined. By defining the common sense before the historical one we make a much more useful definition.

Stamping his feet in anger, Sevenpounder picked up the bowl. He squeezed the crack shut, and examined it. -“Little fucker!” he shouted (Lyell)
Sevenpounder jumped to his feet and picked up the broken bowl. Having fitted the pieces together he examined it, swearing, “Mother's!” (Yangs)
Springing to his feet, Seven-Pounds gathered up the pieces and fitted them together. Swearing as he inspected the damage, (Lovell)鲁迅《风波》

你竟敢这样跟我说话?。 '他喝道。
How dare you speak tome like that?. ' he thundered.

He gave a start and shouted, "Who wants her to find me a job?

When the teacher entered the classroom and saw two boys fighting, he cried to them: " Knock it off!"

The sentry shouted, "Stand off, or I'll shoot. "
- 喝道 喝道 [he4 dao4] /(of yamen bailiffs etc) to walk ahead of an official, shouting at pedestrians to clear the way/
# + 喝道 喝道 [he4 dao4] /to shout/to yell/(of yamen bailiffs etc) to walk ahead of an official, shouting at pedestrians to clear the way (old)/
+ 喝道 喝道 [he4 dao4] /to shout (i.e. to say in a loud voice) (usually followed by the words that were shouted)/(old) (of yamen bailiffs etc) to walk ahead of an official, shouting at pedestrians to clear the way/
By MDBG 2024
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