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Change log entry 71677
Processed by: richwarm (2021-02-27 07:16:46 GMT)
Comment: rewording ~
(based on an ancient story in which people along the road cheered on as a horseman galloped past, until the horse died of exhaustion)
- 殺君馬者道旁兒 杀君马者道旁儿 [sha1 jun1 ma3 zhe3 dao4 pang2 er2] /lit. bystanders killed the king's horse (idiom) (based on an ancient story in which people along the road cheered on a horse rider until the horse died of exhaustion)/fig. beware of becoming complacent when everyone is cheering you on/
+ 殺君馬者道旁兒 杀君马者道旁儿 [sha1 jun1 ma3 zhe3 dao4 pang2 er2] /lit. bystanders killed the king's horse (idiom) (based on an ancient story in which people along the road cheered on as a horseman galloped past, until the horse died of exhaustion)/fig. beware of becoming complacent when everyone is cheering you on/
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