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Change log entry 71620
Processed by: richwarm (2021-02-20 22:40:20 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 65267 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
n. intimate biography

1 intimate biography
2 DATED book on exegesis of classics

1. 古代经学家专用以解释经义的书。
| 《春秋~》
| 《韩诗~》。
2. 一种叙述遗闻逸事的传记小说。
| 《汉武~》。

1. 古人专门解释经义的书,与广引事例、推广本义的外传相对。如《左传》为《春秋》的内传。
2. 一种传记。以记述遗闻逸事为主。如《隋书经籍志》有《汉武内传》三卷。

Fire and Fear: The Inside Story of Mike Tyson (by Jose Torres)

> But there are so many! Why, just for biographies alone there are enough titles hanging around to make your head swim: narrative biography, autobiography, private biography, public biography, supplementary biography, family biography, biographical sketch. Trouble is -- not one of them fits. (Lyell)
> There are many types of biography: official biographies, autobiographies, unauthorized biographies, legends, supplementary biographies, family histories, sketches . . . but unfortunately none of these suited my purpose. (Yangs)
> Lives are written in a myriad forms: as official biographies of the great and good (archived within our celestial empire's dynastic histories), autobiographies, legends, unauthorized biographies, as footnotes, genealogies, biographical sketches ... I have regretfully discarded them all. (Lovell)
+ 內傳 内传 [nei4 zhuan4] /biography recounting apocryphal anecdotes and rumors/(old) book of exegesis of a classic/
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