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Change log entry 71619
Processed by: richwarm (2021-02-20 22:28:56 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 65009 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
cf. 扬长而去

adv. swaggeringly

1. 掉头不理、大模大样的样子。
| 情人当街吵架,男方骑车~而去。
2. 发挥长处、优点。
| ~避短。

1. 掉头不理,大模大样的样子。
| 《红楼梦.第五八回》:「又哭道:『我也不便和你面说,你只回去背人悄问芳官就知道了。』说毕,扬长而去。」
| 《文明小史.第一○回》:「说罢,领了众人,扬长而去。」

1 动 发扬长处、优点
| 使用人才, 应该扬长、用长。
2 副 大模大样地
| 扬长而过
| 扬长过市。

At last, it puts forward development suggestions for making best one of the advantages and bypassing the disadvantages, seizing opportunities and meeting challenges.

So Mr. Obama should reconsider his apparent decision to let the previous administration get away with crime.

太蠢季泽脱下了他那湿濡的白香云纱长衫,潘妈绞了手巾来代他揩擦,他理也不理,把衣服夹在手臂上,竟自扬长 出门去了,临行的时候向祥云道:“等白哥儿下了学,叫他替他母亲请个医生来看看。

而且他他掉过头吩咐他的女儿淑英道:“二女,你好好陪你琴姐耍。”于是扬长 地往里面走了。觉民气恼地望着克明的背影在阴暗中转进了过道,低声骂了一句:“真糊涂!”

> At this point, however, Seventh Master was not interested in conducting a queue survey. Having made his way through the crowd, he abruptly changed course and disappeared behind the tallow trees shouting, “Can any of you stand up to him?” Finally he stepped up on the single-plank bridge and haughtily strode away. (Lyell)
> However, without making a careful inspection Seventh Master passed through the group, dived behind the tallow trees and with a parting “Think you're a match for him!” strode on to the one-plank bridge and swaggered off. (Yangs)
> Without stopping to investigate anyone else's coiffure, Mr Zhao cut through the lot of them and vanished back below the tallow canopy. 'No one!” he repeated, before striding out, head high, along the log bridge. (Lovell)
# 揚長 扬长 [yang2 chang2] /with swagger/ostentatiously/to develop good qualities/
+ 揚長 扬长 [yang2 chang2] /with swagger/ostentatiously/to make the best use of one's strengths/
By MDBG 2024
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