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Change log entry 71599
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2021-02-19 07:08:49 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 64231 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
① sketch
② lay foundation

1 sketch a plan, picture, etc.
| 这篇文章我先打个底子, 再请你修改。
| I’ll make a draft of the essay and then ask you to revise it.
2 lay a foundation
| 学英语应该在小学就打好底子。
| Learners of English should be given a good grounding in primary school.

1. 画草图或写草稿。
| 这份设计图先~,再根据您的要求修改。
2. 奠定基础。
| 要想学习更艰深的溜冰技巧,需先~。

1. 画草图或起草稿
| 如:「这篇文章你不妨先打底子,过几天我再来看看。」
2. 奠定基础。
| 如:「要想学好提琴,必须打好底子。」

1 画底样或写草稿; 比喻奠定基础
| 不打底子, 直接画
| 小学课程是为以后学习打底子的。
2 垫底
| 这道扣肉用芋头打底子。

Learners of English should be given a good grounding in primary school.

Make a rough sketch before you draw.

I'll make a draft of the essay and then ask you to revise it.

中式教育底子打得好, 基础牢固.
The Chinese type education background hits well, the foundation is reliable.

To this end, we must build up reserve strength and lay foundations in all fields of endeavor.

The paint in the room is peeling away already: you can't have prepared the surface properly.
+ 打底子 打底子 [da3 di3 zi5] /to sketch/to draft/to lay the foundation/
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