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Change log entry 71597
Processed by: richwarm (2021-02-19 05:50:50 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 65266 - submitted by 'sl89' >>
* 立德 isn't usually used without reference to 三不朽, but 立言 and 立功 are, having acquired more general meanings (theory, "render meritorious service").
* I have submitted 立功 some time ago (not yet processed), having read it without relation to the other two and not knowing its history. I would update the definition to reference 三不朽.

※ 三不朽
n. 〈wr.〉 the three imperishables (one's virtue, achievements, and teachings)
| 古代士大夫多将~作为人生追求的目标。
| 宋.杨万里〈跋写真刘敏叔八君子图〉诗:「古人三不朽,诸老一一中。」

※ 立德
v.o. achieve virtue
| ~先于立言
| ~为人生根本。
2. 做合乎道德的事;树立道德形象。
| ~守信
| 还是先从~做起。
| 《左传.襄公二十四年》:「太上有立德,其次有立功,其次有立言。」
| 《文选.何晏.景福殿赋》:「故将立德,必先近仁。」
动 树立道德楷模
| 立德守信
| 修身立德。

※ 立言
① write to express one's ideas
② achieve glory/immortality from one's writing
expound one's ideas in writing; achieve glory by writing
| 立德先于~
| ~有信,立身有行
| 为时代~。
| 《左传.襄公二十四年》:「太上有立德,其次有立功,其次有立言,虽久不废。」
| 《儒林外史.第一八回》:「文章是代圣贤立言,有的一定的规矩。」
1 动 <文> 著书立说
| 立德立功立言。
2 动 立论
| 立言应实事求是, 力求公允。

Many Scholars have reduced Sima Qian′s academic orientation simply to Taoism or Confucianism, for they seemed to have neglected Sima Qian′s claim to establish his own school of thought.

Liu An as a vassal king, influenced by the social ethos, wrote books to demonstrate his theory. He attempted to set up a utopia that he dreamed or for Han dynasty.

Most of the time he states rather than conveys, and gossips rather than writes.

In 1965 he wrote “On Abstract Art,” in Wen ­Hsing Magazine. It was the first real examination of abstract art published in Taiwan. Subsequently he published a series of articles in other magazines, including Oriental Magazine and Young Lion Monthly, introducing Western art to local readers. He introduced his collection of Aboriginal art through columns published in the United Daily News and the Independence Evening Post. He has also published his ideas on art in book form, in The Sayings of Chen Cheng-­hsiung on Art.

> but whenever it's come right down to it, I've always had second thoughts. Goes to show I'm not the kind of writer who Forgeth words of immortalitie / For generations yet to be. Besides, if you're going to get your words to last all that long, they've got to be about someone worth remembering all that long in the first place. Then the man gets remembered because of the words, and the words because of the man.And then after a while people gradually lose track of which one's remembered because of which. Knowing all of this, why did I finally settle on the likes of Ah Q for a biography? Guess the devil made me do it. (Lyell)
> But while wanting to write I was in some trepidation too, which goes to show that I am not one of those who achieve glory by writing; for an immortal pen has always been required to record the deeds of an immortal man, the man becoming known to posterity through the writing and the writing known to posterity through the man — until finally it is not clear who is making whom known. But in the end, as though possessed by some fiend, I always came back to the idea of writing the story of Ah Q (Yangs)
> but time and again have quailed before the difficulty of the task - evidence enough that I am no seeker after literary fame. A biographer hungry for glory must find his own genius mirrored by the genius of his subject, both clinging to each other in the quest for immortality, until no one is sure whether the brilliance of the man is celebrated because of the brilliance of the biography, or vice versa. Contrast my own humble fixation - like that of a man possessed - on recording the life of Ah-Q. (Lovell)


1) I'm not clear on why you included "argument; theory" in the definition of 立言.
Let me know if I've missed something.

2) distinguish oneself from one's writing ➝
distinguish oneself through one's writing
+ 三不朽 三不朽 [san1 bu4 xiu3] /the three imperishables, three ways to distinguish oneself that aren't forgotten by history: through one's virtue 立德[li4 de2], one's service 立功[li4 gong1] and one's writings 立言[li4 yan2] (from the Zuo Zhuan 左傳|左传[Zuo3 Zhuan4])/
+ 立德 立德 [li4 de2] /to distinguish oneself through virtue (one the three imperishables 三不朽[san1 bu4 xiu3])/
# 立言 立言 [li4 yan2] /to distinguish oneself from one's writing (one the three imperishables 三不朽[san1 bu4 xiu3])/argument/theory/to expound one's theory/
+ 立言 立言 [li4 yan2] /to distinguish oneself through one's writing (one the three imperishables 三不朽[san1 bu4 xiu3])/to expound one's theory/
# Extra:
- 立功 立功 [li4 gong1] /to render meritorious service/to make worthy contributions/to distinguish oneself/
+ 立功 立功 [li4 gong1] /to render meritorious service (one the three imperishables 三不朽[san1 bu4 xiu3])/to make worthy contributions/to distinguish oneself/
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